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Bugera BC15 15-watt 1x8" Tube Combo Amp
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I am a beginner but I have a friend who has played for 30 years. He has several 12-15" single and multi speaker amps/boxes and although they are obviously better ( cost from 200-1000 $ ) he was impressed with this little combo. I have a Epi Les Paul Jr. and it rocks. It is loud enough for a very big room ( 20-40 people ) and still holds the sound well. It is just a practice amp for me as I will never play concerts but for the price is sounds great. The distortion when the Tube preamp is over-driven is pleasant and not harsh. It can be clean for precise notes or really belt out the ROCK. It looks spectacular also. No drab black for me, it is very retro looking. I got mine as a demo for 40 under normal price.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
This isn't a bad little amp. I just couldn't give it 4 or 5 stars. I was hoping for a bigger warmer sound than other practice amps. However, this amp simply sounds like the rest. In short it's a good amp with nice features at a decent price. Just don't expect to be blown away by the sound.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
the amp is really good looking and plays well. it's great
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
I love this little monster amp
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
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